Perhaps you have a wider circle of friends than does Fabiola, in which case Fennel may be a complete stranger. Let the ever gracious Fabiola introduce you.
The Fennel bulb can be eaten raw or cooked, it will give a very slight anise flavor to a salad or can be served as a hot vegetable. Fabiola thinks that steamed fennel with peas or carrots is lovely. Fennel leaves -- feathery and ferny, like dill, are nice on a sandwich.
Fennel calms a churning tummy and -- (Another thing that Fabiola doesn't talk about -- so she will whisper) fennel helps control gas. Now darlings, ... nevermind, Fabiola doesn't want to get the reputation of being a nag.
The Fennel bulb can be eaten raw or cooked, it will give a very slight anise flavor to a salad or can be served as a hot vegetable. Fabiola thinks that steamed fennel with peas or carrots is lovely. Fennel leaves -- feathery and ferny, like dill, are nice on a sandwich.
Fennel calms a churning tummy and -- (Another thing that Fabiola doesn't talk about -- so she will whisper) fennel helps control gas. Now darlings, ... nevermind, Fabiola doesn't want to get the reputation of being a nag.
Fabiola believes that is enough not said.
Recipe for roasted fennel <-- link to
Fennel also goes well with fish and egg dishes, but mostly, Fabiola just slices it and crunches away.