Grab a cup of coffee, pull up a foot stool, Fabiola has something to say.
Flying Carpets, Ruby Slippers, Horses with Wings and Magic Rings, Fabiola believes with all her heart, she believes in all of these things. But more powerful than any of those others, is the perfect outfit. Oh, don't laugh. Wearing the perfect outfit is pure joy.
Fabiola recalls her very first perfect outfit, she was 8 years old. The outfit? Yellow elephant bell knit poly pants with an elastic waistband and a light pink knit poly mid sleeve shirt decorated all over with dark pink, bright yellow and orange dots. Sublime ice cream colors in stretchy no iron completely man made fibers.
It wasn't the double-knit, It was the colors. It was the way that the huge bells on the bottom of the pants swung with every stylish step.
It was before Fabiola discovered cashmere.
Do you remember a perfect outfit? How did it make you feel?