It is a known fact that I am just fine exactly the way that I am. I would like to extend that idea to encompass you too. You are just fine the way that you are. Granted, you are no Fabiola. But, you are you – maybe just not you enough yet. Fabiola hopes to help you with that.
I suppose that this should appear somewhere in the title or about me placed with more importance than just lumped into the middle of a post to be left or moved later. This would be another thing that you will have with me.
One of Fabiola's favorite quotes:
"If I ever go looking for my heart's desire again,
I won't look any further than my own backyard,
because if it isn't there,
I never really lost it to begin with." - Dorothy to Glinda "The Wizard of Oz"
Ok, so it aint Thoreau.
My life has always been more whirlwind than walden anyway.